Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just one small note here.

Dear Reader,
This is of no consequence, none of it, there is no such thing as an albatross and anyway, I am sick of flying. Too many mosquitoes have come to nest here, and clean the nest they have, creating lawn decorations with their bodies and efforts. Whoever thinks they can pronounce the name of an omnipotent creator in polysyllables has disappointment in their future, because the human vocal apparatus is severely limited at the high frequencies, and yet man was supposedly made in his image. That is to say that the omnipotent creator is imagined to be a man which means he has a penis of some kind which cannot possibly inseminate anything, or if it can the immaculate conception had graphic scenes left on the cutting room floor, but this event in and of itself makes him flawed and with human frailties, like Zeus, for all his power had the sexual judgment of a thirteen year old and Yaweh seems to have a similar bent for young virgins and this is proof of a lack of omnipotence and now one wonders how such an entity can have created the cosmos, and god gets smaller and smaller till we barely tolerate him under the radiator and start to vacuum.
Did I mention robots? Because if I did not I should at least mention that the ones they make now are lame, but except the great big arms that live in power plants, feasting on electricity and putting auto workers out of jobs. Those are cool.

1 comment:

Dr. Indus Malhari said...

i am absolutely thrilled that somebody is reading these. thank you