Friday, December 6, 2013

A disillusioned laboratory animal confronts his trainer

Crap.  The stick again.  Why not the carrot?  I have been pulling this lever for hours, and no food pellet.  Why must everything shiny come with an electric shock?  Why do I never learn?  What are those funny symbols printed on the clipboard?  Where is my sugar cube?  Never a sugar cube, only a shock.   Only the wire monkey for me.  Whatever is at the end of the maze, I do not want it anymore.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A lovers lament, in solution

I just got over you, Hydronium ion, and here you are, back again.  You come and go from water molecule to water molecule as if it means nothing at all to you.  But I know, deep in that impenetrable nucleus of yours, we all mean something.  Just milliseconds ago, we were sharing our every electron.  My magnetic dipole became a song, a lover's song, and we resonated.  Now, these electrons are what they were before, a shell.  I can fell their probability fields shift in your direction as you enter my possible futures again.  This can only stop by our eventual evaporation.  Isn't that true, Hydronium?