Sunday, July 13, 2014

Regarding cat puke

I want to take this moment to share with you my feeling about cat puke on the floors, the furniture, the carpet, my clothes, my wife's clothes, my daughter's clothes, down the refrigerator door, and other places too numerous to mention.  I love it.  I must love cat puke, otherwise, why would I have so much of it in my life.  It would be truly tragic if I trapped myself in an existence so replete with cat puke, and was not absolutely ENTHUSIASTIC about it.  Every morning, cat puke somewhere.  The joys of each blotch of grey vomit are as endless as the day that follows.  Sometimes, a twig or a plant leaf, surrounded by foam and saliva.  Sometimes, a bolus of undigested wed Friskies or Fancy Feast.  Usually, the guilty party cannot be identified.  Sometimes, the cat is caught in the act.  I can only thank myself for the decisions I have made to be in a position to clean up so much of the stuff.  Amen.

1 comment:

Gina and Tim said...

"Down the fridge..."

Dear god, it's like you live at my house...

Ahh, cats.