Oh Leviathan. Spawn of mother Tiamat, godhead of the primordial chaos, ruler of chaos, of all the dark oceans and strange voids, you sit at her side in the Abyss, a lord of creation, bringer of doom and change. Celestial dragon, beast of sea and dark sky, your seven heads contain the mightiest wisdoms, see the farthest corners of the Earth, look upon the lowly creatures of this planet, our mighty avenger. Mighty Leviathan, rise up from the infernal void, from the depths of the deep dark blue, from mile after mile of dark trench and sickening blackness, where you rule like the mightiest of kings, over the pale fishy inhabitants of the void below. Lord Leviathan, rise up and smite the humans who have crawled upon the surface of the earth like a plague of locusts. Rise, and breathe fire upon their proud kingdoms, on their shoreline timeshare condominiums and their beach parties. Rise, and rear your seven heads to the heavens, to serve on the side of the antichrist, to confront the sky god in the final hour of Revelations. It is you, Leviathan, with the strength of the mightiest gods of old, who will breathe fire on the repentant hordes of mortal men in the last hour of the world, and ensure the continued triumph of the infernal. Lord master, rise, and see the destruction they have wrought to the oceans. See the creatures they have destroyed and the majesty they have corrupted, with their mandate to go forth and multiply, with the assurance that every beast of the field and thing that creepeth on the face of the Earth was put their for their use, and with wasteful and wanton abandon. Rise, Leviathan, and poison their air. Rise, Leviathan, and dry up all the rain clouds. Rise, Leviathan, and create terrible storms. Rise, Leviathan, and unleash plagues of disease. Avenge the worm on the end of the fisherman's hook, avenge the snake crushed under the wheels of the automobile, avenge the stingray caught in the fisherman's net, the whale cut in half by the prow of their ships. Mighty one, rise.
new computer, new updates???
7 years ago
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