We took this one in the hospital yesterday, getting ready to bring Ruby home. To me, she resembles her mom. Perhaps, she expresses a few of her father's alleles in the shape of her nose. Her knees remind me of her mom's..the shape is characteristic. A full head of hair, enough for a "hairstyle", pearly dark blue eyes. The appropriate fingers and toes. Alert from the moment of leaving the birth canal, probably before. She focused on my face 3 minutes after leaving the birth canal...and has spent the last couple of days running infant survival programs, forcing me to stare into her face (or she cries) so that we can memorize each other's features. Crying when she is put down, so that we do not leave her where predators can get her. She demands food constantly, and stimulation frequently, at night, everything we can provide, given that most of her homeostatic mechanisms are barely online, and her cortex has not wired itself to process much of what she sees.
new computer, new updates???
7 years ago
Ruby is gorgeous.
She has your hair. I'm thinking a few minutes with some gel and a bow and we will have the most metal baby ever.
The picture of you with her is heartbreaking. I can't wait to see all three of you. Tell New Metal Mom that I will be happy to watch her for a few hours while you both get sleep--I've managed to keep mine alive for six years, I can handle yours for three hours.
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