Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

I just wrapped my brain around this. My Clone forced me to watch it, on drugs, between bouts of playing kick-ass metal bass riffs. It my head open. In one way or another, I had been aware of every aspect of reality presented in the video, but the video united them into a common, geometric view of the universe.

There are implications beyond the video, for instance, the curvature of spacetime induced by gravity can occur in a variety of alternate dimensions, possibly. I have seen astronomical photographs of gravitationally-lensed galaxies and they really exist.

I spend most of my life in a six dimensional universe, it turns out, but occasionally try to project myself in the eighth.

Just because we cannot conceive of dimensions beyond the 10th does not mean they do not exist. As a matter of fact, at the line drawn from one point in the seventh to the next, between two possible universes, I see either a contradiction, or an excuse to add more dimensions. That third universe, the one that makes the three universes a noncolinear series that defines a plane, must differ in an aspect of its starting conditions that did not apply to the first two, otherwise it would be on the same line. This implies that, for every aspect of starting conditions to the big bang, there is a new dimension of reality. It makes a big difference whether or not the existence of a single, time-like, dimension is an aspect of the universe's origins, or a consequence of it.

Try imagining a universe with more than one time-like dimension. It is fun. Causality erodes.

No wonder electrons make more sense in 26 dimensions. I suddenly wonder why 26 is the limit.

1 comment:

Rob Bryanton said...

Thanks for recommending my animation. Over at my tenth dimension blog I'm currently working through the list of 26 songs I created as part of this project (as you say, with the number 26 having a certain relevance to the discussion at hand).

You might enjoy visiting the tenth dimension forum, clearly you have some interesting ideas about this way of visualizing reality. I'm glad that you see there are many implications within this video, since it is really just based on chapter one of my book.

If you go to my tenth dimension blog and click on FAQ from the label cloud at the top, you should find some information that may help with your questions about the seventh dimension and above within this way of visualizing reality.


Rob Bryanton
Imagning the Tenth Dimension