Already, it starts. Not just my feet, either. It has found my butt crack. It won't kill me. The Colorado Desert had this for me as well. My feet look like dead white jellyfish. It was wet boots that did it. Wet boots, and I sat on a wet bench this morning. Now, I need Tinactin spray desperately, and there is not a Walgreens for two thousand miles.
Today's catch was a huge clearwing butterfly. Amegilla sp. nesting in earthen banks. What little literature that exists on tropical pollinators seems to indicate that those bees are disproportionately important for allele flow because they trapline, rather than going straight home with their load and putting it to good use immediately Small butterflies, nymphalids, perhaps, defending a light gap in the old-growth rainforest. A distant view of a howler monkey. Many, many whiptails, all exuberant in the first real day of sun. The real sight was an tayra, I think. A fearsome weasel the size of a bobcat. It stood down the path from me, a little surprised.
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