Once there was a cat named Bongo. Like most cats, Bongo had a secret super power. Flying cats usually get hit by busses and invisible cats do fine, i guess, though their owners think they have poltergeists. Bongo had amazing telepathic powers. Bongo could read minds.
The trouble with a telepathic cat is that humans don't notice their mind is being read, and their powers stay secret forever. Bongos humans were very active people, full of interesting secrets. Not nearly enough of these secrets were about crab meat. Bongo would always know when it was time for the vet, and hide under the bed, but this knowledge was not considered remarkable. One of Bongo's humans, an older man named Rex, was always buying secret magazines and hiding them in his sock drawer. Lucy, his other human, knew about the magazines, but did not tell Rex. She kept waiting for him to buy better magazines and hide them because she was tired of his choices. Once, the two of them had a guest, who was a human with horrible, demented plans. He did terrible things to other humans, much like the way cats play with mice. Bongo sat on his lap all evening, listening to him think about the terrible things he had done. Bongo liked this man because he was like a cat.
Bongo could read the minds of other cats, but this was not considered to be remarkable, because cats always know what another cat is thinking anyway. Dogs think even less than cats give them credit for. Finally, Bongo got old and hid under the bed a great deal. Sometimes he would listen to stories the man would read, from the pages of those books he kept. Bongo liked these stories more than the ones in the secret magazines. Sometimes, he would think about Bongo, and Bongo would come up and purr quietly. Good Bongo, the man would say.
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7 years ago