it keeps coming back to this. i long to spawn with you again-to see my flesh dissolving in a spiral of cells in the water, to feel the fatal eruption of a million embryonic cells fleeing, in cloudy ripples and waves in the water, from my body cavity. My paired appendages listless behind me, tentacles and eyestalks enraptured and exhausted, i beget instar after instar. Creeping abomination into this world. Our encounter will draw blood from both of us. Our union is a thing of unspeakable, unimaginable evil, of horror. It is lovely to be with you. Your blackness radiates like cold from a dark window, all smoke and negation. At the center of it, you are a one hundred armed Kali: are breasts and blood on your lips, arms and legs undulating in beautiful waves, like feeding tendrils, a lipstick-clad maw at the center. together, we will once again beget multitudes. our progeny will devour the earth.